Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ask Seek Knock

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."Matthew 7:7

Why is that beautiful God-given talent locked in your closet? Why is that goal on pause?-what's stopping you from pressing play! Im not going to list the reasons why these things may be. You individually know the reasons why.

All I know is that every great achievement begins with action. It begins with YOU taking initiative;with YOU making that first step, leap, or jump! This lesson is on constant replay in our daily lives. With each of us uniquely made I know there are awesome seeds-achievements-passions-aspirations in our minds waiting to be cultivated.

Past rejections and disappointments may have gotten you off track. But before we try to do anything we must ASK... Am i aiming for the right thing? Pray and ask. Acknowledge that you need God's help and wisdom. He will answer you.

Then SEEK-Trust God and do your homework. Faith without works is dead. Maybe you want to start your own business.. Maybe you want to pursue a different career. The answers to those specifics aren't going to fall from the sky! Seek out that beginners business class and check out the criteria for that new career. You get my drift:) Knowledge is power. Watch how you'll learn and grow.

Then lastly KNOCK.. take action.. you have your proposal together... put it into practice.. present it... the possibilities are Truly endless.


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